Sex Offender and Kidnapping Offender Notification

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 requires colleges and universities to inform students and employees how to learn the identity of registered sex offenders on campus. This law also requires that sex offenders provide notice to any institution of higher education at which the person is employed or is a student. 

WSU Police Department Pullman Campus (“WSU Police”) is the central contact for system-wide concerns and reports under the EP46 – Registered Sex Offender and Kidnapping Offender Policy in accordance to RCW 9A.44.138.

You can obtain information regarding registered sex offenders in the Pullman area by contacting the Whitman County Sheriff’s Office, Records Department, located at N. 411 Mill, Colfax, Washington, 509-397-6266. Additionally, the Whitman County Sheriff’s Office maintains an Offender Watch portal which can be found below.  This page includes information on how to search for registered sex offenders in the area as well as additional information about sex offender registration laws, safety tips, and shareable Community Awareness Fliers.  You can also obtain information regarding registered sex offenders throughout Washington state from the through the following links, as well as additional information about registered offender registration laws and safety tips:

Using this public information to threaten, intimidate or harass sex/kidnap offenders will not be tolerated. This abuse could potentially terminate our ability to release this important information to the public.

What do the levels mean?

Level 1 sex offenders meet most, if not all, the following criteria and are considered a low risk to the community: Offense is non-violent. Offense committed in a family setting. Offender has completed a treatment program.

Level 2. These offenders present a moderate risk to the community and they have a higher likelihood of re-offending than the Level 1 offenders. They are considered a higher risk to re-offend, because of the nature of their previous crime(s) and lifestyle (drug and alcohol abuse and other criminal activity).

Level 3. These offenders pose a potential high risk to the community and are a threat to re-offend if provided the opportunity. Most have prior sex crime convictions as well as other criminal convictions. Their lifestyles and choices place them in this classification.

Contact for questions

If you have questions about sex offenders at Washington State University, or the notification process, you can contact WSU Police at (509) 335-8548 or