Inclement Weather

Weather Emergency Condition Levels

At the Pullman campus, the Chancellor or designee may declare one of the following condition levels when a weather emergency is imminent or active.

Condition Levels

  • Green—Classes, nonessential services, and essential services are all operational.
  • Yellow—Classes are delayed or cancelled. Nonessential services are reduced at the discretion of unit heads.  Essential services are operational.  The length of class delay is set by the President or designee.
  • Red—Campus is closed. Nonessential services are suspended. Essential services function with minimal levels of staffing.

Vice presidents and deans are to exercise discretion in determining essential services and essential minimal staffing levels in accordance with 60.40 and applicable leave policies.  Additional guidelines related to inclement weather and suspended operations are available from the Human Resource Services (HRS) website at:

When the WSU Pullman is at the yellow or red condition level, the presumption is that University will return to the green condition level on the following day unless the Chancellor or designee decides otherwise.  Students and employees should check WSU Alerts for the latest condition level information. See:

Emergency Notifications

In times of crisis or when critical information must be shared, the University provides emergency information and guidance to WSU personnel and students.  Based upon the nature of a given event, the University may use one or more of the methods described below:

  • WSU Crisis Communication System provides direct emergency notification to students, faculty, and staff through land line and cellular telephone using voice and text messaging and e-mail.  In order to receive notifications, WSU personnel and students must register their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses through the myWSU portal which you sign in using your network ID and password.
  • WSUALERT provides direct e-mail notices to all faculty, staff, and student e-mail addresses that appear in the WSU online telephone directory.
  • WSUALERT provides notice on the WSU Alert website at:
  • WSU main web page provides notice on the weather emergency condition levels at: